Is Your Faith an Ice Cube or Ice Cube Tray?

I was doing it to all my media. On Spotify, I had a “Jesus Jams” playlist full of praise and worship music, but I hardly ever played it more than one of my other collections of secular music. On Pinterest, I had a specific section on my quotes board for “religious” or faith-related quotes, but I seldom scrolled through them.

I was aware of these habits but didn’t give the notion much thought until I came across an Instagram post of Amanda Brown’s, founder of Oh Beloved One magazine.

“On Sunday night, our church played some videos of Asian students’ testimonies of salvation through English-teaching ministries. One girl said she was amazed to see Bible verses displayed even in a “not fancy” place: the bathroom. She wanted a faith like that. That really got to me. WHERE is my faith? My phone background? Post-it notes on my bedroom walls? Decorating my school notes? Our faith should overflow EVERYTHING in our lives…even if that means it’s on unexpected places like bathroom walls.”

-Amanda Brown, Oh Beloved One

You shouldn’t compartmentalize your faith. That’s actually oxymoronic. Jesus should be our ALL so that our faith spills over into EVERYTHING we do, like water filling an ice cube tray. We shouldn’t have a church box, school box, social box, or personal box.

Our relationship with God should be a part of everything we do, as everything we do is meant to glorify Him.

The founder of Bob Jones University once said, “For the Christian, there is no difference between the secular and the sacred; all ground is holy ground, every bush is a burning bush.”

Jesus is not confined to a church service. The Holy Spirit does not solely speak to our hearts through worship music, so neither should we when sharing about their work.

My mom often illustrated this concept when my siblings and I were growing up. Whenever we watched a movie she would ask or share how she saw the gospel in the plot we had just experienced.

Her point was that Jesus is everywhere. Not just in Christian movies. Not just in Christian music. Not just in the worship of gathered believers.

He is a part of every macro and micro aspect of our lives, and our faith- our lifestyle- should reflect that. We should glorify God in ALL we do. After all, it is our identity.

If you truly love Christ, if He is the apple of your eye, you won’t be able to have a context where He does not come up. “For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks,” Luke 6:45 says.

If Christ is your all-in-all, then He will be on the tip of your tongue more often than not and those around you will recognize Him as part of your identity.

So where is your faith? Is your relationship with Christ only present during moments of worship? Do your co-workers in the secular workforce get to hear about Him?

The King of kings has offered you unmeasured love and grace. The wonderful mystery of that gift should fill us with enough song to last a lifetime because there is more than enough to fill eternity.

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